I love being in the field though its tight. The area is a poorer, much more run down area, and is struggling big time! Our numbers for last week were 0 baptisms, 0 new investigators, and pretty much 0 for everything else. But that is gonna change with me and my companion! hahaha
I hate just sitting in the apartment, and just walking around trying to find something to do. Oh, also they don't schedule ANY return visits they just drop by. So that is changing. I'm really pushing my comp. He has been out for a little over a year and he is a quiet guy, but good. I feel like I'm the senior comp right now to be honest. I really run the show. He never wants to do much so I make sure we go out and see people. So far we already have a few lessons planned, one lady committed to church and stuff like that. The area is ready to be harvested the Elders just drop cut it down. BUT I'm changing that hahaha
The first day I got here (Friday night) I was with the AP's and we went around and taught some people. Its way weird teaching in English when I just spent 9 weeks teaching in all Spanish. During one lesson I forgot the word "Word of Wisdom" haha and just said the Spanish word for it so that was funny.
But yeah... Anyway, we knocked on a door, (2 people answered who were totally drunk) and were yelling at us, and I loved it haha so I kept letting them yell at us and then I was like "well let us come in, share a message with you and we will see what you think after" and they let us in!! hahah there was literally no way they were gonna let us in. But anyways, we taught them somethings, answered their questions and then set up a return appointment. Then afterwards the AP's were like "Wow Elder Perkins you are one bold Elder" haha so that's good. My comp even said that to me yesterday about how I don't care what anyone says, I just teach the message I feel like I need to say. So that was nice of them to say.
OH! So we found one lady yesterday (my comp didn't want to go out, but I convinced him we had to) and we knocked on a door of a lady (who the Elders before could never get a hold of) and surprisingly she answered the door and we started talking with her and she let us in, and she talked with us for about 45 minutes and really opened up and told us all these things she has been through. Then (since my comp doesn't ever talk and is shy) I just started teaching her and he joined in and we got her number (which she wouldn't give anyone before) a return appointment and she committed to come to church so we go see her tomorrow.
Its crazy how if your willing to work, people will listen. So that's what has been going on here!
My address is:
3951 South Ellis #4
Wichita Kansas
Sounds like y'all have been busy with the road show, with your party trips, with Conners foot and all that other crazy stuff that's been happening! But good, staying busy is always good!
I'm not sure if I'm going to go get another suit. I'll probably just run this one dead until I leave then get a new one once I get there. So that's the plan for that. The members are great here. We have dinner with them every night so that's great! I love being out of the MTC and doing what I want and working with real people!
Anyways... My comp is English speaking so I get an extra hour each day for language study so hopefully I won't lose it! The Zone leaders here are Spanish speaking so they said I'll go on splits with them lots to work on Spanish so that's good.
But all is well in ZION! and this time I can actually say I'm really in Zion ;) hahahah well in the mission that Has Zion in it!

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