Sunday, February 5, 2012

11 pounds!

Hola mama y papa y familia!

I know I'm getting to be a fatty now haha! 11 pounds is what I've gained and I'm starting to see in haha but its good.

For gym time I play basketball all hour. There are probably 70 kids who want to play, only about 40 can play at a time so you learn to not miss your free throws haha last week I only missed one. So I play every game but lots of kids sit out lots because they can't make free throws haha so tell Conner to work on them. they are important!

Oh and my Spanish scriptures got stolen, not my nice triple comb. So I need you to send me a new one of those. Just the black leather bound ones. Spanish doesn't have triple combs so I just need the BOM triple (Doctrine and Covenants etc.). Yes, I still need a spanish hymnol. That is much need!

Yes, my testimony has grown a lot so its cool to learn new things every day! I thought I knew a lot about the gospel but when I got here I realized I knew nothing so its nice to learn lots daily!

No wonder everyone says your mission flys by because it really does!

Yes, get Tyler to call asap. It would be fun to get with him.

Nothing new to report. The Spanish is coming good. I feel like I can teach most lessons in Spanish and get my point across, so that's good. We are starting to only speak Spanish all day every day so that's been fun. Very tough because you realize you don't know lots of words but its good practice!

I just got back from the temple and once again loved it! Its way cool to see how every time you go the feeling you get never gets old! I LOVE GOING TO THE TEMPLE!

I get to do laundry soon around 3 so ill probably shoot you a quick note then. I know I keep saying ill send a letter home (i really will today). It will have my camera card in it, my area planner book thing so you can see what I do everyday and stuff like that. So enjoy and look for that. Save all the area book planners I send you. They will be neat to go back and look at.

Only 22 more days till I leave to Argentina so that will be wonderful! I cant wait! The CCM is becoming very boring but its funny because Ive been here 6 weeks but it feels like 2! Honestly! So I cant imagine how fast time will fly when I'm in the field!
Much love,

Elder Perkins!

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