Well winter is here. Burrrrr... things get down during the day to like 50ish or the lowest during the day has been like 45 with rain. Haha it's chilly! But most days as of right now are blazing hot and we just sweat a lot.
I've come to realize that sweating is a part
of missionary work! Anyway... our family Martin y Antonella aren't progressing and we are not sure if they want to get married!! AHHH!!! WHY?!?!
It's stressful so tonight were going to Bajo la canye or in other words drop the cane on them about marriage. So that will be fun.
Out of no where Viviana has come to church twice, has felt the Spirit, and she has a way cool story but that can wait... And yeah, she wants to get baptised and yesterday at church she broke down in tears
thanking me and my comp for knocking her door and helping her!! WOOT WOOT! So that was very good.
Probably the best I've ever felt ever!
Shes 30ih and has a family but the family isn't interested but after her baptism we are gonna see if her family will open up! So that's good.
We are having a hard time finding investigators. Everyone wants to talk with us, but they are doing it to talk, not to hear the gospel, so that's tricky trying to find REAL investigators.
A family trip would be fun. Maybe Argentina?!? haha jk you don't wanna come here. At least
not my area lol... umm the food is way good!

much wonderful! haha jk well not really...
Lots of good is happening here and I'm enjoying it very much. So I can't complain.
What's new there?
That stinks the Rockies aren't good but you have a point dad. Who cares because now a part of good ole Rocky Top has come to the Mile High City and well lets just say I'm having high hopes for the Broncos
this next year even though I can't watch.

Ummm what else... we get 700
pesos a month. Which is like ummmmmmm 125ish American dollars, which is nothing. Not sure why but food prices here are way higher than the
states. So basically at the end of the month we are scrapping for food! haha but that's always fun.
all is well
love y'all!
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